
We built Atom Ultima to bring every business together, to overcome fragmentation of actions and to ensure engagement of every employee, manager, customer, supplier, and contractor in successful outcomes.

Atom Ultima is a Cloud platform, charged per Administration portal. An administrator has access to all platform functionality to create content which can be assigned to stakeholders (employees, contractors, customers, suppliers, consultants, other) involved in the business who have access to the encrypted mobile app associated with the Admin portal.

Stakeholders engage, through reporting, survey/audit/assessment, training, secure InMail and other functions, directly with the Admin portal, leading to business-wide, targeted data collection.

Atom Ultima has a powerful cross platform report generator, to manage and monitor business interactions.

Data gathering and reporting can be applied to any part of a business, from micro management of individuals to standards and compliance management, business resilience, ESG management, supply chain management, other.

The WorkStream module can be bespoken to address an individual project, through to full supply chain management requirements of each business or business sector.

Atom Ultima is wholly scalable, with the facility for a single business to incorporate departmental Administrative portals into a single system, utilising central business–owned databases across sites, business areas, off–site projects or subsidiaries, with overarching reports generated for board level evaluation.

Atom Ultima is wholly owned by Edatachase Ltd. The system is GDPR, WCAG and ISO 27001 compliant.


For Further questions: miranda@edatachase.com